MonZa: Fast Maliciously Secure Two Party Computation on the ring Z_{2^k}. D. Catalano, M. Di Raimondo, D. Fiore and I. Giacomelli. PKC 2020 [eprint]
Exploring Connections between Active Learning and Model Extraction. V. Chandrasekaran, K. Chaudhuri, I. Giacomelli, S. Jha, S.i Yan . USENIX Security 2020[arXiv]
Efficient UC Commitment Extension with Homomorphism for Free (and Applications). I. Cascudo, I. Damgaard, B. David, N. Doettling, R. Dowsley, I. Giacomelli. Asiacrypt 2019 [eprint]
Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Prediction using Random Forests. I. Giacomelli, S. Jha, R. Kleiman, D. and K. Yoon. AMIA Informatics Summit 2019 [arXiv]
Privacy Risk in Machine Learning: Analyzing the Connection to Overfitting. S. Yeom, M. Fredrikson, I. Giacomelli and S. Jha. CSF 2018 (distinguished paper) [arXiv]
Privacy-Preserving Ridge Regression with only Linearly-Homomorphic Encryption. I. Giacomelli, S. Jha, M. Joye, C. D. Page, and K. Yoon. ACNS 2018 [eprint]
Linear-Time Non-Malleable Codes in the Bit-Wise Independent Tampering Model. R. Cramer, I. Damgaard, N. Doettling, I. Giacomelli and C. Xing. ICITS 2017 [eprint]
ZKBoo: Faster Zero-Knowledge for Boolean Circuits. I. Giacomelli, J. Madsen, C. Orlandi. USENIX Security 2016 (best student paper) [eprint]
Security of Linear Secret-Sharing Schemes against Mass Surveillance. I. Giacomelli, R. F. Olimid, S. Ranellucci. CANS 2015 [eprint]
Additively Homormorphic UC Commitments with Optimal Computational Overhead. I. Cascudo, I. Damgaard, B. David, I. Giacomelli, J. B. Nielsen, R. Trifiletti. PKC 2015 [eprint]
Compact VSS and Efficient Homomorphic UC Commitments. I. Damgaard, B. David, I. Giacomelli, and J. B. Nielsen. Asiacrypt 2014 [eprint]
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